Workshops & Groups


Couples Workshops


Upcoming Workshops

Reawaken Your Relationship

Based on the Hold-Me-Tight workshop for couples

Next workshop date TBA

From making important decisions and having a place to discuss all the sides of the issues to overcoming serious crisis. We both gained a deeper understanding of our dynamics, our individual childhood wounds and the ones we created together. We feel much happier and connected than ever before.
— G.V.

Women's Group



Women's group is ongoing and meets alternating Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00pm at Seattle Mind Counseling in Greenlake. Series length depends on the current book (about 4-8 sessions). 

Cost: $25 per session, paid in full at beginning of each series.

Scheduling is flexible according to the needs of the group.

Location to be provided upon registration.


This group is for women only. The focus of the group is to consider life at its origin, and to live in harmony with the way of things. Women finding their own voices, and returning to the community to contribute as only women can do – that will be the quest of this group. This is not a therapy group nor a book group. Deep emotional issues are respectfully noted, but not intruded upon without permission. There is no pressure to talk when you prefer to be quiet. What you share is welcomed. Each 1.5-hour discussion centers on a book selected for its relevance to the feminine self in the given world. Conversations will direct participants to a rigorous look at the self, and a daring challenge toward community. Though intellectually stimulating, the matters will have practical applications. Women, though similar to men in almost all ways, have some significant differences. To filter those differences out from the bustle of ordinary life, and to sharpen their power, is an activity that requires space. This group provides space to read, discuss and learn that which we have left behind, untended and unrefined. We endeavor to bring those qualities back in order to live more intentionally and powerfully. There are issues of health, of community building, of birth, and intuition that often bear the mark of the feminine. We read “Care of the Soul,” by Thomas Moore, a spiritual text of classical foundations After that we read “Habits of the Heart,” by Bella, et al, which broadened our perspective into social life in the United States, comparing the consequences of strong traditional community to the changing perspective of modern individualism.   Sprinkled with discussion led by professionals in the areas of physical health, sexuality and philosophy, women will enjoy each others’ company, and learn from the collective wisdom. Recently we read “Thinking Fast and Slow,” by Daniel Kahneman.  Women are often conflicted between using intuitive thinking and logic. Being capable of both, they are at times reticent about these abilities and do not fully assert themselves in male conversation. This book showed up the different types of thinking, how intuition can at times, and cannot at other times, be trusted, and the cognitive biases that operate in the culture.

Next book

Bittersweet by Susan Cain

Cain shows how a bittersweet state of mind is the quiet force that helps us transcend our personal and collective pain, whether from a death or breakup, addiction or illness. If we don’t acknowledge our own heartache, she says, we can end up inflicting it on others via abuse, domination, or neglect. But if we realize that all humans know—or will know—loss and suffering, we can turn toward one another.

There will be 5 sessions, costing $125 for all 5.

Next session

Tuesdays, alternating weeks, starting April 1, 2025, 7:30 to 9 PM


Past books

Inciting Joy by Ross Gay

The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

Awe by Dacher Keltner

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Useful Delusions by Shankar Vendantam

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

Active Hope by Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone

How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan

Selfie by Will Storr

Can Love Last?: The Fate of Romance Over Time by Stephen A. Mitchell

The Way of Woman by Helen Luke

Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit

The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Mason

Into the Magic Shop by James Doty

Soulmates by Thomas Moore

Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin

The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker Palmer

The Mythic Path by Stanley Krippner and Daniel Feinstin

The discussions are deeply thought provoking, ranging from topics both funny and universal, to quite personal and poignant. Dominique maintains the perfect balance of professionalism and warmth to encourage us all to go deeper in our experience of the material and of ourselves.
— K.F.

Men's Group



Men's group is ongoing and meets alternating Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00pm at Seattle Mind Counseling in Greenlake. Series length depends on the current book (about 4-8 sessions). 

Cost: $25 per session, paid in full at beginning of each series.

Scheduling is flexible according to the needs of the group.

Location to be provided upon registration.


The focus of the group is to recognize desire as central to motivation. Discussions between men on this topic are not common, and yet, in session after session, the members of the group have found rich rewards they could not have found elsewhere.

This is not a therapy group nor a book group. Deep emotional issues are respectfully noted, but not intruded upon. There is no pressure to talk when you prefer to be quiet. What you share is welcomed.

Each 1.5-hour discussion centers on a book selected for its relevance to human desire and to broadening our understanding of it. Conversations are about practical matters but are also intellectually stimulating. We will talk about relationships and intimacy, as well as about other aspects of life that bring us fulfillment. The group is for men only. I bring a female voice; my role is to keep the group focused on the great matters of life.

Desire, such a natural life force, is often a confusing phenomenon. On the one hand, unmanaged, excessive desire leads to many social problems: alcohol and drugs, sexual deviance and addiction, unstable family relationships, and more. To counteract that trend, people have tried to “give up” desire… as if that were possible. Desire is the engine that drives us to smell a flower, enjoy a child, learn and perfect a skill or sport.

Next book

Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg

Supercommunicators know the importance of recognizing—and then matching—each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deeply held beliefs that color so much of what we say and how we listen. Our experiences, our values, our emotional lives—and how we see ourselves, and others—shape every discussion, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work. In this book, you will learn why some people are able to make themselves heard, and to hear others, so clearly.

There will be 6 sessions, costing $150 for all 6.

Next session

Tuesdays, alternating weeks, starting February 25, 2025, 7:30 to 9 PM


Past books

Come Together by Emily Nagoski

How to Know a Person by David Brooks

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber, David Wengrow

Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone

We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love by Robert A. Johnson

Useful Delusions by Shankar Vendantam

Dancing in the Streets by Barbara Ehrenreich

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Selfie by Will Storr

How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan

The Heart of Desire: Keys to the Pleasures of Love by Stella Resnick

Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jethá

To Be a Man by Robert Augustus Masters

Ethical Slut by Janet Hardy & Dossie Easton

In Praise of Love by Alain Badiou

Loneliness by John Cacioppo & William Patrick

What Do Women Want?

Love Sense by Sue Johnson

Wild Mind by Bill Plotkin

Rivers and Mountains without End  by Gary Snyder

The Practice of the Wild by Gary Snyder

Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Religion and Politics by Jonathan Haidt

Moby Dick by Herman Melville

Erotism: Death and Sensuality by Georges Bataille

Becoming Animal by David Abram

Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel

By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham

…a great place for men to talk about being better at life… The books have all been very thought provoking… I find myself asking questions derived from the books on daily basis.
— R.J.